Estate Planning Needs for Every Stage
Although there is often a progression of complexity in estate planning, this progression generally follows stages in life rather than specific ages.
Although there is often a progression of complexity in estate planning, this progression generally follows stages in life rather than specific ages.
Finding and elder law attorney is as easy as googling, “elder law attorney near me.” Anyone can find an elderly law attorney but finding the right one is where things get a tad difficult. If you want your elder law case to be in the right hands, then you might have to do a bit of digging.
Regardless of the pandemic, experts say it’s important to plan for when you’re not here—that is, give thought to what would happen to your bank accounts, your home and your belongings, as well as, perhaps, your dependents.
If you feel that your child will be incapable of making adult decisions on their own behalf, you can pursue a legal guardianship, so that you will retain the rights to make those decisions for them.
A revocable trust is great for many reasons, but it does NOT protect assets from nursing home expenses.
Lewy body dementia reached the public eye in 2014, after reports that Robin Williams died with diffuse Lewy body disease. However, despite the fact that Lewy body dementia is the second most common dementia, it remains frequently unrecognized.
Two years ago, the Trump Administration quietly began a review of the nation’s long-term care (LTC) insurance system, focused primarily on ways to enhance private coverage.
Caregiving for a family member can be time-consuming and emotionally draining. It can be financially draining, too.
Trusts are legal entities that own assets, and all trusts are not alike. They are created by a written trust document with certain provisions that can vary from trust to trust.
If you are turning 60 in 2020, the pandemic could do more than interrupt your party plans. It could also lower the amount you’ll receive when you file for Social Security.
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