How to Manage Aging Parent’s Finances
Here are five ways to get started on this important issue of an aging parent’s finances.
Here are five ways to get started on this important issue of an aging parent’s finances.
Is Prince Charles III the sole heir of Queen Elizabeth’s fortune?
Does a person need a Power of Attorney document if that person already has a Last Will and Testament (‘Will’)? It is a good question.
Although laws vary from state to state, every state requires that less restrictive alternatives be considered before invoking a guardianship. These might include such vehicles as limited guardianships, powers of attorney or assisted decision-making agreements.
A pot trust, also referred to as a discretionary, sprinkling or common pot trust, is a type of trust that can be used by families to pass on assets. With this type of trust, minor children serve as beneficiaries with a trustee that oversees the management of trust assets. The trustee has discretionary power to decide how the trust funds are used to pay for the care and needs of beneficiaries.
A qualified terminable interest property (QTIP) trust allows an individual, called the grantor, to leave assets for a surviving spouse and determine how the trust’s assets are split up after the surviving spouse dies.
One sure-fire way your clients can reduce the size of their taxable estate is to give gifts to loved ones while they’re still alive. But when are ‘deathbed gifts’ considered to be complete for estate and gift tax purposes?
A living will is a legal document expressing your wishes on receiving or declining medical care or life-sustaining treatments should you become terminally ill or injured and unable to communicate those decisions for yourself.
Estate planning is not just for the wealthy. Anyone with a bank account, house, car or other personal property should have a will.
Do you know what will happen to your property, belongings and debt when you die? What about your children? If you haven’t created an estate plan, now’s the time to start. Here’s how.
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