What Happened when Robin Williams’ Wife was Cut Out of Estate?
The unexpected death of comedy icon Robin Williams in 2014 set off an explosive battle over his $50 million estate.
The unexpected death of comedy icon Robin Williams in 2014 set off an explosive battle over his $50 million estate.
If you are getting remarried, you obviously want to celebrate. However, it is also important to focus on less exciting matters, like redoing your estate plan.
As the Eagles ready themselves for a farewell tour that spans two months in late 2023, it’s hard not to think about their late guitarist Glenn Frey who passed away in January 2016.
The family vacation home is often a point of pride, a place for reconnecting and making memories. A vacation home, whether it’s in the mountains, near the sea, on a lake, or on a farm, can have sentimental as much as economic value.
If you thought that doing your taxes got complicated when you acquired more assets, wait until you try to split them up among multiple children when planning their inheritance.
When a person uses a will to leave property to their family, friends or the causes they support, the act is known as a bequest. A bequest can be the cash, investments, jewelry or other items that a person passes to beneficiaries when they die.
A discretionary trust is a type of trust that can be established on behalf of one or more beneficiaries.
If you do not plan appropriately and thoughtfully, problems may arise with respect to this property and your family when you are gone.
No one likes doing taxes, but the task is even more daunting when filing a return for someone who has died.
It’s generally recommended that you review your will and other end-of-life documents at least every few years, although there can be reasons to do a checkup more often.
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