Legal Planning can Help Prevent Elder Abuse
Sometimes the people we trust most can disappoint us. Learn how legal planning and estate tools protect the elderly from abuse and exploitation.
Sometimes the people we trust most can disappoint us. Learn how legal planning and estate tools protect the elderly from abuse and exploitation.
Young adults need essential legal documents like a healthcare proxy and living will to ensure their wishes are respected and their interests protected.
For people nearly or newly retired, who potentially still have decades ahead for their assets to compound and grow, estate taxes are a huge concern.
Is it unusual that named beneficiaries would not be given copies of or, at the very least, be allowed to view the will?
For couples with an age difference of 10 years or more, assets need to last significantly longer to cover both of their retirements, making the risks of missteps higher.
Scammers now use AI to make convincing voice clones and deep-fake videos. Find out about AI elder scams and POA’s potential to protect your finances.
Thinking of buying a second home? Beware of real estate pitfalls when purchasing your vacation house.
Most people spend each phase of their lives preparing for the next one, whether it’s starting a family, buying their first home, or eventually retiring.
Although many cases go unreported, the National Council on Aging suggests that the financial exploitation of the elderly may amount to a staggering $36.5 billion annually. That may just be the tip of the iceberg.
Although the beneficiary designation in a 401(k) plan was old, and tied to a previous relationship, a federal court concluded that it was nonetheless valid.
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