How to Include Digital Life in Your Estate Plan
The shift to a digital world has made life easier in many ways, allowing people to eschew physical photo albums, file cabinets, taking checks to the bank and waiting for the mail carrier.
The shift to a digital world has made life easier in many ways, allowing people to eschew physical photo albums, file cabinets, taking checks to the bank and waiting for the mail carrier.
It’s easy to put off doing many of these things. However, get them done, and your heirs will be thankful you did.
Whether you are set to inherit or are thinking about passing down your assets, being prepared is not just about managing money but also navigating taxes, avoiding fees, sidestepping family drama and ensuring that this transition works for your benefit.
Leaving an inheritance to estranged family members can create more harm than good. However, understanding your options can help you make a decision that brings peace.
Estate planning is crucial and beneficial in many ways since it documents all your assets—from real estate, bank accounts, investments and business interests to personal items, like family heirlooms and even your monthly subscriptions.
Without a solid plan, your digital wealth could vanish, leaving your loved ones with nothing.
Learn how trusts can protect your heirs’ inheritance from creditors and safeguard your family’s financial future.
Is naming a beneficiary for a nonretirement, ‘payable on death’ account as effective as putting the account in a living trust?
Protect your child’s future by creating a trust that supports their recovery, while safeguarding their inheritance.
Let’s hope you have a will and have named a power of attorney for finances and health care.
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